ZSternMalZ_MandelbrotZwilling { ; ; (Generic Mandelbrot set.) ; Inside : Exponential Smoothing einstellen ; z = Zwilling 1; z2 = Zwilling 2 init: z = @start z2 = z loop: zold = z zs = real(z) - flip(imag(z)) z = zs*z + #pixel + @koppl * z2 zs2 = real(z2) - flip(imag(z2)) z2 = zs2*z2 + #pixel - @koppl * zold bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "(Z*) * Z + C = MandelbrotZwilling (Auge)" center = (-0.5, 0) helpfile = "Uf*.chm" helptopic = "Html\formulas\standard\mandelbrot.html" $IFDEF VER50 rating = recommended $ENDIF param start caption = "Starting point" default = (0,0) hint = "The starting point parameter can be used to distort the Mandelbrot \ set. Use (0, 0) for the standard Mandelbrot set." endparam param koppl caption = "Koppelparameter" default = (0.5,0) endparam float param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 $IFDEF VER40 exponential = true $ENDIF hint = "This parameter defines how soon an orbit bails out while \ iterating. Larger values give smoother outlines; values around 4 \ give more interesting shapes around the set. Values less than 4 \ will distort the fractal." endparam } ZSternMalZ_MandelbrotZwilling1 { ; ; (Generic Mandelbrot set.) ; Inside : Generic Coloring (Gradient) einstellen ; z = Zwilling 1; z2 = Zwilling 2 init: z = @start z2 = z loop: zold = z zs = real(z) - flip(imag(z)) z = zs*z + #pixel + @koppl * z2 zs2 = real(z2) - flip(imag(z2)) z2 = zs2*z2 + #pixel - @koppl * zold bailout: |z - zold| > @bailout default: title = "Auge Glaenzend DiffBailaout koppl 0" center = (-0.75, 0) magn = 1.0 maxiter = 1000 helpfile = "Uf*.chm" helptopic = "Html\formulas\standard\mandelbrot.html" $IFDEF VER50 rating = recommended $ENDIF param start caption = "Starting point" default = (0,0) hint = "The starting point parameter can be used to distort the Mandelbrot \ set. Use (0, 0) for the standard Mandelbrot set." endparam param koppl caption = "Koppelparameter" default = (0,0) endparam float param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 1.0E-15 ;min = 1.0 $IFDEF VER40 exponential = true $ENDIF hint = "This parameter defines how soon an orbit bails out while \ iterating. Larger values give smoother outlines; values around 4 \ give more interesting shapes around the set. Values less than 4 \ will distort the fractal." endparam }